Blog Archives - palakSys

Thriving in a Digital Society — Modernizing Legacy Banking Applications

For more than half a century, banks have been at the frontier in embracing automation and introducing digital systems to gain operational excellence. Today, their demands have grown and banks now look beyond their legacy core banking systems that have been, to date, leveraged for conventional services such as opening up new accounts, processing deposits […]

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CI/CD Pipeline: Understanding What it is and Why it Matters

The cloud computing explosion has led to the development of software programs and applications at an exponential rate. The ability to deliver features faster is now a competitive edge. To achieve this your DevOps teams, structure & ecosystem should be well-oiled. Therefore it is critical to understand how to build an ideal CI/CD pipeline that will help […]

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Unlocking IoT Scalability: Understanding Critical Challenges and Effective Solutions

While the vision for interconnected networks of “things” has existed for several decades; its execution has been limited due to an inability to create end-to-end solutions. Particularly the absence of a compelling and financially-viable business application for wide-scale adoption. Decades of research into pervasive and ubiquitous computing techniques have led to a seamless connection between […]

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